UNYA Flanders: Visit to UNRWA Brussels
UNYA Flanders offers their members the opportunity to visit the UN institutions in Brussels and to learn more about the work of the United Nations in Brussels, and to interact with the UN representatives of the UN Offices in Brussels.
On Tuesday 11 February UNYA Flanders will visit the Office of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestin Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Brussels and learn more about the work and the activities of the UNRWA worldwide and in Brussels.
14:45 Assemble at the entrance of the Residence Palace, Rue de la loi 155, 1040 Brussels.
15:00 Welcome and presentation on the work of the UNRWA worldwide and in Brussels by Matthias Burchard, Regional Representative for Europe.
16:30 Q&A
17:00 End of the visit
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